I've seen so much OKTHXBYE in work communications that I'm not sure what's appropriate anymore.
Dear lord. That is SO WRONG. Where can I be safe if even my work communications may be tainted?
So far today I have taken the English Proficency exam I need to take for clas (and passed!)
Hee. I'm suddenly envisioning how embarassing it would be if someone who thought they were proficient failed it! (Not that I think sj ever would, just...)
Am amused by Fay's whitefont tampon story, and even more amused that she apparently first put it in italics, and then preemptively apologized to Pete. Because apparently the other boys don't count?
I just realized I started every paragraph in my previous post with a one-word...interjection. For excitement! Or adventure! Are sometimes set apart from a sentence by an exclamation point...or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong.
Hee! So when you're happy...or sad...
Um, so, does anyone else find that Defying Gravity breaks them into many tiny pieces of weepy mascara-covered mess? Or is that just me?
Dunno, but I saw an adorable drag queen performance of it this weekend, and not being a Wicked fan (just not really familiar with it) was like "aww, if only some of the Buffistas were here! They'd so get a kick out of it!"
I am rolling in the vitriol inspired by that special hell known as "extended airline travel." It makes me want to institute reversabale sterilization, mass murder and portable insta-electroshock for rude people.
Ooh, Erin, I so feel your pain. Ew. Delays SUCK, and summer is always the worst for them. (Well, except for the holidays)
We went to Sears last night, because BF had to take a portrait for work. For the hell of it, we decided to take some of us. Here they are
Hee. I'm highly amused by your mention of the Sears-ness of them, because they are, so. (Not that you aren't still adorable)
Someone found my checkbook at their apartment complex and called me. When I said my purse had been stolen she asked "Was it a little black purse with a picture on it? I think I saw it in the woods."
Hey, so it really was stolen (I mean, I remember when you thought you'd just lost it)! Freaky. Yay for getting the purse back at least.
meanwhile, the universe has sent me cake, when I only asked for milkshake. 'Molten chocolate shake' did not arrive. 'Molten chocolate cake' did.
Wow, I wish that would happen here!! It's been nasty raining out all night, so...But I *do* still have coffee ice cream, but now I want chocolate with it.
and I really do rather want Glinda/Elphaba. Yes. Because, OMG, it's even MORE so in the musical than it was in the book
Um, re the above drag queen performance? Yeah, it was a whole "you do your straight thing, but I'm queer, and wish you'd be queer with me" kinda thing.
Well, but he wouldn't have been 'in drag', as such, because he's not a drag act
Meh. Not a drag queen, obviously, but....I think a lot of what he wears counts as "in drag", really.
All the hype around Brokeback Mountain makes kids question their friendships with same sex friends.
OK, I JUST got back from Pride, so I gotta do a little "Ten percent is not enough/recruit recruit recruit!" chant for a sec, but....um....whaaaaat?
But transvestites don't tend to convert, not even when a deity lays them out flat on the road to Damascus.
I read "lays them out flat" and my mind goes to a dirty dirty place, and that's SO WRONG
I can't begin to imagine what feeling like a man would be like. I don't know how one could pin that dissatisfaction down, and know "Aha! It's my lack of maleness that bothers me, and I can go some way to fixing that by taking hormones, removing my breasts, and living as a man."
Heh. I have a few answers to that, but so not the energy to answer, right now. Remind me again later?
If you breasts were removable, would you take them off, too?
Would I be able to change sizes at will? Because that would be AWESOME
Also, apparently my grandfathers (continued...)