Love Steph's post.
I think this is an area (just like most every other area) in which one can identify as a certain "label" but not fit every textbook description of the label. Doesn't mean either is incorrect. Especially in regard to sexuality, everyone defines themselves differently. In terms of a performer, I think there's even more to consider: is it truly the person or something the person does to enhance his/her performance? Any combination of these things may be true. All would still be valid.
Oh, Tep, I remember when you claimed to be the most vanilla vanillagirl in the history of vanillopolis.
To be honest, I find it hard to wrap my head around quite what transvestisism is/means to people. Gender disphoria makes more sense to me, but when it's a case of wanting to wear women's clothes - up to including fake breasts - but
wanting to BE female...this puzzles me. I mean, I accept it is so, because that's what people say, but I don't feel like I 'get' it in the way that I feel (perhaps mistakenly) like I 'get' the whole transgender thing. It's very interesting.
I guess I have a hard time grokking it because in our society women have the freedom to dress in ways that men don't. I can wear a flirty dress and heels one day and jeans and t-shirt the next and no one thinks that's the slightest bit odd. I feel like I'm me in both situations.
Well, that's what I mean when I say I don't really understand it, either. I don't feel any more or less "me" in pants vs. a dress.
To be honest, I find it hard to wrap my head around quite what transvestisism is/means to people. Gender disphoria makes more sense to me, but when it's a case of wanting to wear women's clothes - up to including fake breasts - but not wanting to BE female...this puzzles me.
Me, too.
I skimmed…but…
Could this day get any more stressful?
If the check didn't come? If Toto ate all the Monopoly pieces? If you accidentally dyed your hair green?
Actually, if the check hadn’t come, I’d spent my time doing back-up plan work rather than all the hoop-jumping this required. It actually got worse, but I don’t feel like going into it. Suffice it to say, my father HATES my bank and told them as much, and I’m not allowed to put my money in a savings account there.
Hoping vw checks in soonish. Have had fingers crossed that everything worked out with the check and apartment docs. Fingers sore.
Awwww…thanks! Everything is signed and the big checks are written. The apartment is mine, and I’ve eaten, and I’m feeling better about life in general. Although, I still hate my bank.
...liking ChiKat's post, there. Yes. We do get to choose whether to present ourselves more femininely or masculinely (I know I'm going to get jumped on for that, and I don't mean 'butchly' - perhaps I should say 'gender neutral'?) according to whim, and it doesn't have to be about wanting to dress like a man, per se...
It's all absolutely fascinating to me, but it leaves me all baffled and speculative.
I definitely feel less me in a dress/skirt than I do in pants (especially jeans).
The closest I can get to understanding it is when I think of how weird I feel wearing a business suit.
I guess, in a lot of ways, the clothes DO make the man. Except it starts the other way 'round. It's very confusing.
Everything is signed and the big checks are written. The apartment is mine, and I’ve eaten, and I’m feeling better about life in general. Although, I still hate my bank.
Yay for apartment! Curses on your bank.
I definitely feel less me in a dress/skirt than I do in pants (especially jeans).
Heh. I'm exactly the opposite.
I don't understand it either - but most articles on male cross dressing suggest that many cross dressers feel the way you describe - more comfortable in women's close, more right, more themselves. I suspect it is something to be felt rather than understood - that is further expaination would be an attempt to find something that would arouse comparable emotions rather than any type of analysis.