Calli is me!
Really? Woo-hoo! Bangkok and general fabulousness here I come! Oh, crap . . . does this mean I have 2 inch long cockroaches lurking in my apartment?
Roaches piss me off to an irrational extent, but that just brings out my Calli, Destroyer of Bugs persona. Wasps/bees/hornets, on the other hand, scare me to an irrational extent. I'm fairly ok with the 8-legged makers of webs, though. I wouldn't want to wake up with one sharing a pillow, but I'm happy to co-exist with them at a reasonable distance.
{{{{Fay}}}} I totally grok that.
Cool~ma to Kristin.
Credit~ma for vw!!!!
Gronk. Heya. So tired, and weird-ass dreams last night.
Oh, Fay, that sounds
Could you possibly pretend there's someone more flippy-outy than you around so you can take on the mantle of the Competent One to protect that poor imaginary soul? Like, say, one of the less-brave children in the story you're noodling around with? That way, you not only get rid of the nasty crawly but you get to play around a bit with one of your characters.
Um, not that I've ever done anything like that with spiders and beetles and unidentifiable nasties in my apartment when I was living alone. Because that's eccentric-writer-bordering-on-crazy. Nope, never done it myself; just pulled that totally way the hell out of my ass.
purely theoretical.
But it might possibly work.
Man, Drew is collecting massive heroic boyfriend points for descending into AC installation hell for you, Kristin. Sending all kinds of installation-ma to you both, with a side of get-your-shit-together-ma to the actual installers and a big dose of coping to you for all the ghosts you're dealing with back East.
Note of utter randomosity for any Bitches needing distraction, especially those with smallish feet: Newport News is having a clearance on a lot of painfully cute shoes. Their footwear isn't always that durable (though some of it's pretty good -- my favorite pair of flats came from them), and not-durable-but-only-$25 is much more palatable than not-durable-and-$49-69. If I weren't presently having huge issues with buckling ankle straps, I would be all over these.
juliana - we still on for lunch? What time works for you? Free BART!!!
I had weird ass dreams last night that included DH playing pretty princess games with some kids we didn't know. SCARY!
Gronklies. Because of a late book club night and an early morning spin class, I'm about ready for a nap.
It is supposed to be 96 here today, and I work in a building with no air conditioning. I have yet to read Kristin's ongoing saga, but it would be a good bet that I'll sympathize.
JZ, do you know if their shoes are generally true to size? I don't usually bother with cheap shoes anymore, but cheap-cheap shoes might find their way into my closet for a season. Taryn Rose has completely, utterly spoiled me.
juliana - we still on for lunch?
Got the e-mail - backflung.
In work related news - Headdesk, headdesk, headdesk.
juliana - we still on for lunch? What time works for you? Free BART!!!
Check yer email, missy. I wrote you a while ago!
EDIT: x-posty!
Both of my teams just got knocked out of the World Cup. Bother. Um, go Italy?
yum, I am eating a salad of butter lettuce that I got at the farm on Tuesday. Last night I made ravioli and tossed them with rainbow chard from the farm, peas that I picked, some sort of garlicky-oniony whip-string looking thing I got at the farm, and herbs (basil, oregano, and thyme) I picked from our own garden.
In conclusion, I love summer and am in June's thrall.
I forget that in some places, there can be thrall from June.
Here it's like "die, you bastard, die."
Here it's gone into the melting every time you step outside phase.