I've decided on tonight's entertainment.
One episode of Buffy.
One episode of Angel.
One episode of Firefly.
One episode of Wonderfalls.
Which episodes have not been determined.
If you were having that evening of enterainment, which episodes would you choose?
I discovered curry tuna by accident. I grabbed the wrong jar. So good.
Also, scrambled
ita's hated food thing
with curry and asadero is really good, though in a weird savory way. It's definitely an unusual taste, but I rather like it. Especially with green peppers and onions. Curry dominates, the others are for crunch.
Wonderfalls = Crime Dog
Firefly = Ariel
I'm in a caper mood this evening, it seems.
eah, I think to a certain extent, telling ita not to read whitefont, well... it's probably the ovally white things. Still.
Yeah, itafonted and Jillifonted text is pretty self explanatory. But I like to think of it like when there are scary scenes in movies. People who really love me will tell me to close my eyes for the startling bits or the gory bit and then tell me when I can open them back up. Sure, I know in general what happened, but I don't have to actually see it. Alternately, I am hella good at rationalizing.
I've started in on Deadwood. Almost through the second disc (S1E04). Took some getting into the rhythm, but I quite like it. Not sure why it didn't work out the first time round.
One of us! One of us!
Soon we'll have JenP, too, and then the world is ours!
AM NOT TINY. Am in fact still bigger than the standard for tiny which would be msbelle, clearly.
you wear a smaller size than I do and you are shorter than me. I know you do not always like facts, but there they are. If you insist that I am tiny, then you are TINIER!
you wear a smaller size than I do and you are shorter than me. I know you do not always like facts, but there they are. If you insist that I am tiny, then you are TINIER!
Ahh, I can just picture the wee fists of rage!
Nacho Tips: Don't put too many chips down! Just enough to cover the area. You don't want a lot of chips that are untouched by cheese.
This issue can be quite easily resolved with multiple layers of cheese, you know.
I had garlic-basil cod from Trader Joe's and wilted spinach tonight. Go me and my healthy dinner. (Okay, the wilted spinach was wilted with a couple tablespoons of butter and a splash of riesling. But it was still pretty dark green and leafy.)
don't make me open a can of whoop-ass.
I too give thanks for the itafont, especially when the words boiled, fried, or salad are involved.