My burrito was made with Cheez Whiz. So good.
All the chicks are reconsidering giving the label of "REBEL" to Cheez Whiz-eating Scola....
I knew a guy in college who thought all feminine hygiene products were horrible, unclean things. Not used ones (I'd understand the squick in that case), but a plastic-wrapped, unopened tampon was horribly untouchable. One fell out of my purse once and he jumped back 3 feet. And he wasn't kidding.
Once, in high school, a guy friend of my sister's was playing around in her purse, pulling stuff out and taking inventory, out loud. She tensed up when he came to her tampon case, worrying about his reaction. He just thought it was another package of make up--or else he was too embarrassed to say what it was.
When flying, if I'm OtR, I *always* manage to get pulled for my carry-on to be hand-searched. One trip I took, I just threw the whole box of tampons in the carry-on, b/c I was probably running late. When my carry-on inevitably got handsearched, the agent/guard people took the box of tampons out, opened the box (that's fair, IMO), and then dumped the box out on the table. I was going to ask them if they wanted to unwrap each one, but I didn't want to get kicked off my flight.
I like the new commercial where it shows a middle-aged black guy browsing in a drug store. He brings a box of tampons up to the counter where the teenage clerk rings them up.
Heh. That reminds me of the LA F2F. The communists unexpectedly arrived early, while I was in LA, and I needed to go to the store to get stuff. The only person around with a car was Sean, who I had just met. I was mortified to have to ask him to drive me to CVS so I could buy tampons. He, however, handled it with perfect aplomb.