Ick. Missing that preview must be the upside to watching Pimp My Ride.
Actually I won't get to see the end result of this ride because I am off to bed.
It's 67°F now with a promise of an overnight low of 60°F. Nice for the sleeping. Yes, this is a taunt.
OMG, Jesse was SO RIGHT about BB:AS
We freaking
Pimp my Ride, that's how much we love X to the Z.
It is very amusing. Part of the fun is how much my boys go crazy. They don't get that their parents have owned the before versions. I'm going to have to miss seeing the limo with the most excellent pneumatic tube system. Pillow time.
I fell down twice tonight in skating class-once on each side--and hit the rink hard both times. My right arm has a huge bruise on the elbow already and i think my left shoulder will soon join it. along with both hips. I feel quite ita-ish, because I am bruised but can't wait to go back.
I don't think you can be ita-ish without having suppressed the urge to puke on your partner for the better part of an hour. That seems to be the current incarnation, anyway.
I don't think you can be ita-ish without having suppressed the urge to puke on your partner
I once dated a guy I felt like this with.
I also have bruise on my knee.
Does that count?
I am feeling a lack of nausea for the first time in days. Bless the Vornado fans and temperatures that don't require "Beware, it could literally kill you" warnings.
We'll ignore the bruises for now. Few of them are interesting.
I had this thing I thought was going to turn into a major cold last night -- major runny nose, sneezing my head off. Wasn't allergies.
Slept 13 hours, and all I have is a little raw nose-ness left over. Weird. I really thought it was turning into a Thing.
Can you have a 24 hour head cold?