I was wearing an outfit yesterday that I shall henceforth refer to as my Orange is the New Pink outfit - orange top, black capris with palm trees of various colors (including orange) and orange shoes. I felt very put together.
I have several, No, Really, Pink Will Always be the Only Pink outfits, though.
I'm not very good at kerfuffles.
pfft - that's not enough to get me going.
Not even an E for Effort?
Heh. The boys turned on BET to look for their stuff and instead found Prince and Chaka Khan and Stevie Wonder. Stopped them before they could change it. They are unhappy. One tv is a new thing for them.
HAHAHHAHAHA! Lee is just damn funny.
And luckily, the whole episode will be free on the CBS website. For anyone who is interested in seeing the best episode of Big Brother ever in history.
AGH! Why does the United online checkin HATE ME?
I think they actually have a show on BET called Grown Folks' Music, Laura.
See, I knew that, but the boys didn't. Ha! Grown Folks Rule.
I just saw the preview for "World Trade Center" for the first time. Yeah I know people will be on all sides of this, but every ounce of my body is going REALLY?! WE REALLY NEED THAT?!
I think it's time for me to stop with primetime tv watchage.
and now I need to go throw up a little.