I can't accomplish anything due to a racing mind and frustration at needing a callback on two important things in order to close out some tasks that have been nagging at me since May.
I feel like I need to go home and sleep. Also, I feel weak and drowsy.
I can use sick time for hypochondria, right?
It has an ICD-9 (diagnosis) code: 300.7, so I don't see why not.
I'm so sorry about the migraines, ita. I've been on the edge of one for a week, and that's bad enough.
Have you thought of going to one of those special headache/migraine clinics? I had a doctor who did once, and it did wonders for her. She ended up changing her diet and some other things, and now she rarely gets a migraine. It took 6-8 weeks, though.
You've already tried doing a migraine diary, right?
I was doing so well for a couple of weeks there, but the cookies are back, and once again, I ated too many. Bleh. Can I call in sick for that?
Oh, big work news: I'm getting a boss, finally. The person they picked is kind of terrifying, so I'm just hoping for the best.
Be more nattery!
::smacks side of monitor::
The only thing I have to natter about is pretty TMI.
There are, I have discovered, a lot of 80's clothes available out of Canada via eBay.
Things I too discovered: how fab Mr. Clean magic eraser is-- that totally got me in a cleaning mood yesterday because you're like, "what else can I do with it?" and also clorox cleaning pen is pretty clean-inducing. But Magic Eraser works on microfiber furniture, FYI.
Still tired. Full of caffeine. But still tired.
makes note of that
They should totally hand out the Mr Clean sponges when you go home from the hospital after having a baby.
Also, they should come with crayons.