So, today is the 100th anniversary of the FDA. In honor of the occasion, they have a song:
One century past, a people’s hope fulfilled
By an act conceived for safe medicine and food
Protecting rights that our founding fathers willed
To life and liberty, to happiness pursued.
We honor those who carried on before
O’er these hundred years, public safety to secure
For food, vaccines, drugs, devices, blood and more
They strove to see these goods effective, safe, and pure.
In field and lab, in workplace far and near
From both civilian and commissioned corps
A call goes forth in this centennial year
That this rich heritage continue evermore.
Now in this proud hour, a vibrant vision thrives
True to our mission, whate’er the challenge be
With science our guide, we rededicate our lives
To help create a future healthy, safe, and free.
Boy, are you in the wrong place.
Boy, are you in the wrong place.
Now I'm earwormed with the Spam song....
Bryce Dallas Howard is really beautiful. Why am I watching The View? I really dislike all of the women on this show. Even Baba Wawa a little bit.
Cephalopods and freaky fish and two-faced kittens. Strange Friday morning fare, indeed.
Cephalopods and freaky fish and two-faced kittens:
And the Children They've Raised
I just had a nice half-hour long chat with a coworker. Now I guess I'll write that half-page I've been supposed to write ALL FREAKING WEEK.
I also had it confirmed for me that it is not my paranoia that makes me think another coworker doesn't like me. Not that's it's personal to me; she's apparently horrible in general.
I dislike Baba Wawa a lot, but that's the lactivist in me talking.
I wouldn't have guessed this, nor have I heard anyone theorize that we unintentionally dramatize descriptions like that.
I've noticed it a lot recently, but I suspect I'm only noticing on account of reading children's books over and over and over and over and over and it bleeding into my everyday speech. (So, take the usual dramatized descriptions and bump them to 11.)
Tommyrot, i just sent that to all my (drug company) coworkers. That's SO WRONG. Did the US PAY MONEY for that???
I don't want to add natter to Bureau, so here's the link to the Wikipedia article on Otherkin: [link] (In a nutshell, "Otherkin is a subculture made up of people who describe themselves as being non-human or having a connection to a mythical archetype in some way, usually believing themselves to be mythological or legendary creatures.")
It's really... interesting. Also, I love this term:
Another example of a belief often met with skepticism by the otherkin subculture according to is those claiming to have been royalty in other lives, which is sometimes referred to as "elven princess syndrome".
Can I call in sick with elven princess syndrome?