tommy, how long will the experiment take?
The study is a year. If it turns out I got the sham injection I can get a real one in six months. Besides that, I just have to come in once a month so ophthalmologists (not the one who injected me today) can examine my progress, if any.
The actual treatment involved a thingie (made of the same material as self-dissolving sutures) that releases a steroid over the course of six weeks, then dissolves.
The complete text of Colbert's commencement speech: [link]
What's that?
The beginning of the Christian church. The Holy Spirit and a translation miracle were involved, but I'm fuzzy on the details. Christians are also encouraged to wear red on that day, but I don't know why.
Christians are also encouraged to wear red on that day, but I don't know why.
The Holy Spirit is often symbolized by a red flame, as there were tongues of fire floating above people's heads during Pentacost.
I think.
translation miracle were involved
I think maybe glossalia (speaking in tongues) also happened....
I'm so horrible, I keep forgetting.
Yeah, how dare you, not remember if somebody you don't know from across the ocean, someone who is not even an initials for you, has a son or a daughter. Shame on you.
And it's a son, and he's as adorable as can be. He's right at the age where you can see the kind of toddler he's going to grow up to be, in a few months, but is still a baby. At the end of being a baby, because he runs around, zooming all over the place, and expresses what he wants and doesn't want with words that most people, not just his parents, can understand, but still a baby who cuddles up on his mommy's shoulder when he's tired after she's reading him a bed-time story.
Why 28, of all ages?
Because it's perfect.
Thanks, Gud.
Also for the Christianity explanations. And tommy, too.
I just has some strawberry shortcake and it was awesome. Proper shortcake, dense and crumbly and only a hint sweet.
I want strawberry shortcake, too, please.
It's grey and rainy here, and I'm dealing with finances. Blergh. Shortcake would help immensely.
Poor Jen. I was about to ask for shortcake too, but I think you need it more.