Sipping water, but really want cough drops. Will get in the morning when I meet up with coworkers (and tea, and...). Will try to go back to sleep in a little bit.
I've had to do some crazy things for work, like leave my house at 4AM to get to the airport, but 4AM phone calls? Oh HELL to the no. At least when I'm driving to the airport, I only have to make enough sense to not hit anyone!!
ha. ok, me to shower and get ready for work. you feel better.
4 am work phone calls? Dude, no fucking way. I'd find a way to reach out and touch someone through the fiber op system. And it wouldn't be a loving caress, either.
Erin and meara, it is really not as bad as it sounds. What does suck though is when you get to the office at 6:15 and the whole team is supposed to be here, but no one is. And then you are doing work and it is 6:30 and STILL no one from your team is in or has emailed to explain why they are running late.
Bottomline, I leave the office at 2 today no matter what.
Unf. I feel predictably terrible.
I'd love to call in sick, but there's that one meeting that was a bitch to get going in the first place, and I dare not cancel. So I think I'll go back to bed as soon as I finish updating my sister via IM on life back home, and after e-mailing my homebound status into work.
Yuck, ita. At least there's a big picture of Colin in my Metro this morning: [link]
msbelle's early days make me think of my colleague who lives in CA but works on NY time, by choice. It freaks me out every time I realize I'm talking to her at 6am.
I was so insanely edgy last night, I took myself offline. And then twitched about the apartment. Partially the mugginess outside, partially end of vacation, partially just twitch. Even tried a nap and just woke up annoyed I didn't just sleep through until morning. FUN.
Today, I will remain in denial about the nasty outside.
I didn't know paperclip was trombone in french. Hah.
Okay, e-mailed in working from home. Now I just have to make sure I'm on top of it for the 9am meeting. Whose stupid idea was...oh, right.
OK, so I get into work and all the database lookups that worked yesterday are not working. Buh?
I'm going to go get me a donut and try again in a few. Donuts fix db problems, right?