I was so insanely edgy last night, I took myself offline. And then twitched about the apartment. Partially the mugginess outside, partially end of vacation, partially just twitch. Even tried a nap and just woke up annoyed I didn't just sleep through until morning. FUN.
Today, I will remain in denial about the nasty outside.
I didn't know paperclip was trombone in french. Hah.
Okay, e-mailed in working from home. Now I just have to make sure I'm on top of it for the 9am meeting. Whose stupid idea was...oh, right.
OK, so I get into work and all the database lookups that worked yesterday are not working. Buh?
I'm going to go get me a donut and try again in a few. Donuts fix db problems, right?
Good morning, all. Theo (and Emily) can attest that I have new hair! Or, same hair, trimmed back to where it ought to be. It's a little bit bombshellish, a little bit unruly. And the nice part is, those tiny shaved hairs at my nape.
I love having short hair. Don't love getting off my duff and getting it cut regularly, but love the results.
Power outage on train, have to walk mile to work on hottest day of the year. Blech.