I actually like summer. Just don't care for the ridonkulous heat we're having right now. I was together with some friends yesterday and one of them commented that she didn't think she'd ever seen me in shorts before. I told her it was because it wass the first time she'd seen me when it was 9 million degrees out.
When I was heading back from lunch, some neighborhood kids were riding their skateboards. In the heat. In direct sunlight. On asphalt. Doing tricks. I actually got outside quite a bit as a kid, but today would have been an inside with the AC playing video games (Commodore 64, baby!) sort of day. Yeesh.
ION, a sword-fighting robot: [link]
Kids today! With their heat-defying skateboarding!
sword-fighting robot
Oh, okay, I'll click, but you're going to have to write a note to my boss explaining why I'm never getting any work done again.
A raise is always a reminder I make too much and will have a helluva time meeting it elsewhere.
I spent most of my childhood outdoors in the summer. I think kids just don't mind getting all sweaty and nasty the way most adults do.
I seem to recall that children as a rule sweat less than adults, and are actually more heat-tolerant in general.
Growing up in Phoenix and LV I was pretty insensitive to the heat. Weather never played a role in whether or not I went outside.
Summer is also my favorite season.
The smaller you are, the more efficiently you cool, IIRC. Plus, as a kid, I never worried about being sweaty. I wouldn't now, but I do every now and again have to be presentable.
Plus I do my own laundry.
Weather never played a role in whether or not I went outside.
Winter rain would drive me inside. Because, you know, I might melt. Plus it was cold.
I still love the sensation of your skin tightening up when you walk outside into 100 degree dry heat. It's refreshing.
Winter rain would drive me inside. Because, you know, I might melt.
I didn't know you were made of sugar.