I adore my Black & Decker toaster oven. I googled [link] but I don't know the model number. I guess I could look.
Had it for at least 15 years and it just works like a dream. A toaster-y oven-y dream.
I want Jars to make me a drink now. Num. Me.
Hate when someone messes up their code and makes the page huge and wide. Especially when it is me. Actually, it only really bugs when it is me. And it was just me. Sigh....
Strawberry and mandarine orange, actually. They weren't from TJs, but are essentially the same thing, the safeway knockoff of the brand TJs rebrands. On sale!
Dinner has been had. Portabello ravioli. Defrosting chicken for the rest of the week.
I want Jars to make me a drink now.
I totally would. Except for how I'm already in bed. My bad. Also jealous of all the people with cherries. God I love cherries, but they are so very expensive over here.
I have a black and Decker too, and it worked well for about 3 years, but now it's not heating evenly.
Those popsicles sound good.
I totally would. Except for how I'm already in bed.
Stupid globe being too big!
Also jealous of all the people with cherries. God I love cherries, but they are so very expensive over here.
Okay, I have cherries. I guess that evens things out. A little.
we had some earlier this week.
I'm inside keeping as cool as my little window-unit AC can manage it. The next two days are supposed to set record highs -- both Monday and Tuesday will be hovering around 99/feels like 105. Ugh.
It was supposed to get up to 95 today. It didn't, oh yay. Only 89. Still, hot enough for me.
L'ill Sphere killed me ded. Only my a/c resurrected me.
Jessica, I hope early predictions of dangerously hot weather for tomorrow is as wrong as it was here and instead you just have really, really hot weather.
amazingly I took a yoga class today and was not a sweaty mess. the teacher mostly had us do cooling poses.
For a day so hot I stayed mostly cool. I do fear that I got too much sun though. Not enough to burn or anything, but my skin will turn that sun into freckles and moles and in a few years there will be dark spots and things that need to be zapped off my shoulders. ANd really I just need to carry my sunblock in my purse.
Lil Sphere did kill me dead, but so did his dad laughin and talking behind the camera.