amazingly I took a yoga class today and was not a sweaty mess. the teacher mostly had us do cooling poses.
For a day so hot I stayed mostly cool. I do fear that I got too much sun though. Not enough to burn or anything, but my skin will turn that sun into freckles and moles and in a few years there will be dark spots and things that need to be zapped off my shoulders. ANd really I just need to carry my sunblock in my purse.
Lil Sphere did kill me dead, but so did his dad laughin and talking behind the camera.
Making a big batch of bolognese and bruschetta for tonight, just opened a bottle of wine to breathe.
Oddly, I had to explain to my mom why I am so pale. Vigilance, mom. I do look better with a bit more sun than I've allowed of late, true. However, I have permanently pigmented skin under my eyes/top of cheekbones courtesy of years of sun at 4000 ft. And let's not even talk about my poor shelf. I really don't need to do any more damage.
It got up to 99° here today, with a heat index of 108°. I may look into moonlighting in a meat locker somewhere. (Actually, indoors it's comfy enough as I watch my power usage meter spin like a quisinart, but my car felt like a blast furnace around lunchtime.)
I want to be in bed by ten, so I am off to make a salad for tomorrow, grill some chicken for it, cook some fish for tomorrow's dinner and maybe get some veggies steamed. If I do it all at once I think it will minimize the hot inside the apartment.
I got more color in two hours at the beach yesterday than I did in four days in Vegas, most of which began and ended in the pool. I guess it's true about the 10-2 business.
Also, I left the A/C in my bedroom on low while I was gone, and even with the window in the living room open, it was surprisingly not-hot in my apartment when I got back.
I want to go to the beach. I should do something about that.
Like maybe go to San Diego for the weekend.
Or Hawaii.
I'm guessing that there are beaches closer to you, but since I spent six hours on a bus for my 2-hour beach trip, I have no leg to stand on.
I was invaded by small children. Damned, my apartment is completely fascinating to a 4 year old (T came by with 2 of her cousins, one of whom is 4.) But oh my gosh, it is not childproofed. No near misses, but I had to be really vigilant.
I'm guessing that there are beaches closer to you, but since I spent six hours on a bus for my 2-hour beach trip, I have no leg to stand on.
but you can't swim at the beaches near me.
Did you know the children, sarameg?