I'm still not working!
But I have to start in 3 days. Currently waiting for the parents to get back from the bank or something. Not sure where they went. Communicating amazingly well with the housecleaner even though my spanish is craptacular.
So yesterday I went and visited with a childhood friend (she was about 1 when they moved 2 blocks from our house at the time. She's the one whose art is on my walls.) She's now married and has a 2.5 year old who looks like both her and her sister at that age (and maybe the father, but I've never seen his baby pictures. Um, and he's gorgeous so they're probably pretty cute.) Anyway, they bought a house not 2 blocks from our original homes. And anyway, it was LOVELY to talk with her, and remember all sorts of crazy things about our childhoods that really, we should barely recall. Like the film night party when we were probably under 5 where the french Beauty & the Beast was shown. Or my dad carrying her on his shoulder back to her house in the middle of the night when she was 2.5 and her mom went into labor but was sent home when it stopped...several times.
It really makes me wish we were in the same neighborhood NOW, because that would just seem right, except with us as grown ups, same ages as our mothers when they first met.
Where the heck did my parents go anyway? Bank isn't that far.
Do you have things that are due OMG ASAP RIGHT AWAY, ChiKat? Because that's the only thing that can put a damper on the "can't work, not my fault" good times.
Do you have things that are due OMG ASAP RIGHT AWAY, ChiKat?
Nope. Which is nice. So, I'm taking the time to do my online Traffic School. I got a ticket for talking on my cell. Boo.
sara, it sounds like you're having a great trip. Yay.
I got a ticket for talking on my cell. Boo.
Boo is right.
I got a ticket for talking on my cell. Boo.
Don't make me yell
At you. Why I call drivers "puppy," I don't know, but I do. Unless I'm in a bad mood, and then I call them worse.
Ah hah! Parents achieved.
So, I'm taking the time to do my online Traffic School. I got a ticket for talking on my cell. Boo.
Do you get some points back for taking the class?
It seems kinda' lame to me - like the Traffic School should consist of of a teacher telling you, "Don't talk on your cell while you drive." Then there would be a final exam with one T/F question: "Is it OK to drive while talking on your cell?"
Do you get some points back for taking the class?
Yes. It wipes it from my record so it won't affect my insurance. And, I was talking on my phone at a red light. I wasn't moving. Big boo.
Oh yeah, the other thing I've done today is a hundred emails and a lot of angsting about how to celebrate my staff person's birthday on Monday. I didn't know how they Do Things Around Here, you know? Weird.
Did you know that when people get tickets, most have enough excuses to fill a book??
Dear Sara,
Please go to Go Burger and have a chili relleno or bean & cheese burrito. Also, please wave to the mesa and the Organs for me. Also, please wander in Mesilla and COAS.
Finally, have a wondertastic remainder of days with the fambly.
love, me.