Corwood, stop taunting your friend the hooplehead with your obscure fuckin' references. I know I'm ignorant. Dag, bunk, what's next? Taking a bolt off my brake pedal? That'd be funny too.
Netflix introduced me to:
The Wire season one
The Job
Probably bunches of Homicide.
And most of the art and foreign movies I've ever seen.(I told ya. Hoople central)
The only guilt I have about netflix is that it may be one of the most significant relationships of my life, and that strikes me a litle sick. Not Wolcott sick, but disproportionate, at least
So, I'm ready to go home now. Hmmm.
Yeah, but what time did you get to work?
6:10. yeah yeah.
ok, computer off, yoga clothes on. must OM.
I'm just saying. YAY YOU for being home and everything, but it's not like you're getting over.
I'm pretty near the red line Tom. Do you like Indian food? Want to meet at the place at the Belmont station for dinner some night?
Yeah, that'd be fun. I hate driving to that part of Belmont so I usually take the Red Line there.
Is your profile addy good?
I just had to pay my credit card bill by phone. At a surcharge of almost $15. How irritating of me to forget to set up the electronic payment. I don't know how much wiggle room this card has with late fees, and its whole purpose is to put a whole bunch on and pay off right away for the reward points.
I have no idea what slipped. I hate that.
Drama at work. But not mine, thankfully. Tears have been shed, and meetings behind closed doors.
Most of the time the refund thing is even more confusing, because for most classes there is a sliding scale of how much you get refunded to you depending on when in the semester you drop a class (this particular class is a weeklong class). So as an employee, you actually OWE the reverse of the percent of refund. So if there is a 90% refund, you own 10%. And this is big bucks as 1 class is $3800.
I mean, I did understand it pretty clearly because I read both the disclaimer on the tuition benefit form AND the refund policy and I put 2 and 2 together, but frankly, I don't think most people read instructions. When I used to deal with the actual drop adds, I would always tell people what they would own when they handed me the drop form to give them a chance to finish the class, because as long as they didn't fail, they wouldn't owe money.
I have the Office Depot card.
I am so tempted to order a bright pink office chair.