Glad to hear Nilly is safe(ish).
As usual, I need sentance help.
I wold like to replace the sentance
"Cancellation procedure: Any withdrawals made after the start of the course are subject to 100% of the tuition"
with something that actually, you know, makes sense. (the withdrawals are subject to the tuition!)
but I can you the simple "No refunds after the start of class" because it appartantly confused people usuing tuition benefits (because they did not pay money, they think this doesn't affect them. However if they withdarw then they have to pay because their tuition benefit goes away AND they do not get a refund). Any thought?
Anyone withdrawing from the course after the first class session will be responsible for the full tuition charge.
Sophia, go with "no refunds" and add a separate sentence to address that directly. That seems like the kind of thing that's going to need to be spelled out.
ETA: Or what Jesse said. That could work.
No tuition refunds are granted after the first class session.
Thank you! That is perfect
I am still close enough to academia (and even closer to government talk) that I can come up with a ridiculous yet precise way to say things.
I do get really frustrated that everything here is written in this rather bizarre combination of immature, non-business-like prose and pedantic, jargon filled sentances that don't actually make sense. Not that I am a great writer, but I just feel like everything that is here already sounds moronic and it just takes so long to fix it. I was just rewriting a whole set of instructions for applying for a program that a) had no actually instructions except for a checklist that was not explained b) had a checklist with different names for application parts than were printed on the application and c) is written entirely in passive voice.
CNN Breaking News
-- Ex-CIA operative Valerie Plame sues Vice President Cheney, his former aide, Scooter Libby, and presidential adviser Karl Rove.
Writing by committee. Always a good time.
Also, it's kind of a problem that employees can't be expected to understand "no refunds" in this context. I'm just saying.
-- Ex-CIA operative Valerie Plame sues Vice President Cheney, his former aide, Scooter Libby, and presidential adviser Karl Rove.
Oooooh. I hope that has enough bite to drag them through the mud at least.