In "Account Details", right next to which account you have, there should be links to "Cancel", "Hold", and "Change".
I only have Change and Cancel. Huh. At least I know I'm not crazy for not being able to find it. We'll call them tonight and ask about it.
damn. I would like everyone in the world with access to weaponry to CHILL THE FUCK OUT.
I managed to dig through my old emails and find Nilly's address, and then to dig through a billion Google searches to find her town (it's not huge and not historically or strategically hugely vital, so it was harder than I thought to find it), and it looks like she lives more or less in the middle of Israel, a bit west of dead center and a good ways south of Haifa.
Now I just have to fret about where the rest of her family lives, and all the families in Haifa. Because, Lord knows,
do all of them so much practical good.
t feels helpless
Good to hear that Nilly isn't in the north.
Glad to hear Nilly is safe(ish).
As usual, I need sentance help.
I wold like to replace the sentance
"Cancellation procedure: Any withdrawals made after the start of the course are subject to 100% of the tuition"
with something that actually, you know, makes sense. (the withdrawals are subject to the tuition!)
but I can you the simple "No refunds after the start of class" because it appartantly confused people usuing tuition benefits (because they did not pay money, they think this doesn't affect them. However if they withdarw then they have to pay because their tuition benefit goes away AND they do not get a refund). Any thought?
Anyone withdrawing from the course after the first class session will be responsible for the full tuition charge.
Sophia, go with "no refunds" and add a separate sentence to address that directly. That seems like the kind of thing that's going to need to be spelled out.
ETA: Or what Jesse said. That could work.
No tuition refunds are granted after the first class session.
Thank you! That is perfect
I am still close enough to academia (and even closer to government talk) that I can come up with a ridiculous yet precise way to say things.