The shutter-button-to-shutter-action lag on my camera is too long. I have never succeeded in getting any pix of lightning.
If you are shooting at night, the best method may be to set your camera up on a tripod and set the shutter speed to the slowest speed you can and take a bunch of exposures. During a good storm you're bound to get some lighting in one of the exposures.
Oh my god! That Lady moment was, like, the most painful and most funny things I have every seen. I think I may have actually hid behind my sofa while laughing hysterically.
Or maybe that was when he did his original song "Lady L". Oh my.
Jason Segal not only does creepy stalker well, but somehow creepy stalker with whom you can sympathize and feel sorry for all the while you are still sort of creeped out well.
Dana - go into "Your Account" - very top left. In "Account Details", right next to which account you have, there should be links to "Cancel", "Hold", and "Change".
I love the hold option on Netflix and have used it.
We cancelled once over a year ago, but it seems that DH left one of their DVD's in the DVD player he ended up returning to the store so we had to buy that one. He also forgot to return the remote with the DVD player, so I guess that one was a wash.
Talked to neighbor's daughter. Neighbor is fine and she said that pretty much folks are walking around the streets normally like nothing's happening. They're going to to dinner tonight in Haifa so things are pretty normal--but they were advised against travel to a town close to the bombing sites.
Looks like rockets have hit in Nahariya and Haifa in Israel. I hope that's not the area where Nilly is. I wish both sides would stop fighting, it just seems to keep getting worse.
Shit, Gud. Now I'm calling neighbor's daughter back. Damn. Zilla not due back from her trip until next week.
Sounds like nobody was hurt in Haifa, but some journalists were hurt in Nahariya.
In "Account Details", right next to which account you have, there should be links to "Cancel", "Hold", and "Change".
I only have Change and Cancel. Huh. At least I know I'm not crazy for not being able to find it. We'll call them tonight and ask about it.
damn. I would like everyone in the world with access to weaponry to CHILL THE FUCK OUT.
I managed to dig through my old emails and find Nilly's address, and then to dig through a billion Google searches to find her town (it's not huge and not historically or strategically hugely vital, so it was harder than I thought to find it), and it looks like she lives more or less in the middle of Israel, a bit west of dead center and a good ways south of Haifa.
Now I just have to fret about where the rest of her family lives, and all the families in Haifa. Because, Lord knows,
do all of them so much practical good.
t feels helpless