Hey, I know you don't have much time for internet stuff while there, but I hope you'll let me know how the kitties did with the drive and the new housing.
I will. I doubt I'll have internet in my cabin though, so I can't promise when I'll be able to get online.
The Save The date card only had the date and the event on it. No location. Granted, I've known when this Bat Mitzvah was going to happen for at least 6 months, since my parents told me to save the date.(The Bat Mitzvah girl is my second cousin) As it turns out, we're going to have to miss Philcon for the second year in a row in order to attend this.
I wonder if anyone would notice if I left an hour early.
I lied. I did end up having the teeny piece of chicken. But I discovered 2 zucchini that needed cooking instead (my crisper drawer is often where veggies go to die.)
In weird news, the little girl T's dad from the other night? Called to apologize for his music late some night. I have no idea when he was referring to. He hasn't played it loud that late that recently, that I can specifically recall. So I guess someone complained and he thought it was me and needed to apologize. Um, ok? And he was serious about a book. Um, ok?
this is me going BOUNDARIES PLEASE and sighing
Oh, and T wanted to talk to me. She had one of many auditions for her camp (they have them read for all sorts of different roles- the play is a Sleeping Beauty variation) and it was for the one she practiced with me. And they told her she did a fantastic job and noted that she pronounced the unfamiliar words properly (we had to write out rogue, vagabond and merengue phonetically.) So yay for her!
What is skiving?
Is anyone left there?
One of the jackass ideas of my one jackass boss was that there should be someone in our office from 8:30 to 7 every day (even though no one else knew we were doing it), so every week, we each had an early day and a late day. My late day was Friday. I don't think I stayed til 7 one time. Fuck that.
My cousin sent out save-the-date thingies for her wedding almost 18 months in advance. She wanted the maximum number of family members to be able to attend and had spent the previous three months getting everyone's schedules meshed up, so despite having no actual wedding planned at that point, she had a date that worked for everyone.
Is anyone left there?
Sadly, yes.
On the other hand, my billable hours total for the day skyrocketed from 0.3 to 0.5.