Is anyone left there?
One of the jackass ideas of my one jackass boss was that there should be someone in our office from 8:30 to 7 every day (even though no one else knew we were doing it), so every week, we each had an early day and a late day. My late day was Friday. I don't think I stayed til 7 one time. Fuck that.
My cousin sent out save-the-date thingies for her wedding almost 18 months in advance. She wanted the maximum number of family members to be able to attend and had spent the previous three months getting everyone's schedules meshed up, so despite having no actual wedding planned at that point, she had a date that worked for everyone.
Is anyone left there?
Sadly, yes.
On the other hand, my billable hours total for the day skyrocketed from 0.3 to 0.5.
ooo... you moneymaker , Perkins!
Are you drained, you poor thing?
Yes, yes I am.
Good thing it's finally just about quiting time.
So, what are people doing this weekend?
My church is having a fundraiser tea, plant sale and garden tour on Saturday. I'm attending the first seating of the tea with some friends, and will volunteer for the next two seatings.
Other than that, I'm behind on some volunteer work, so anticipate a fair amount of typing. Tonight, though, I'm eating chocolate and hopefully, if the Netflix DVD came in, watching something before I go to bed and read, 'cause my plan at this point is to do no work tonight.
no one is talking...
DH is at the airport - and it is awhile 'til he gets home, but not a long while. I am at the restless part of the day, it is cooling off, i feel like doing something, but nothing Chore-like ,of course.
entertain me....