cute throw pillows with various artworks and historical figures, etc. that did various things when you poked them or wound them up. I do not know the name of the line, but I recall like the Freud and Starry Night ones.
I think you mean these: [link] Scream is my favorite
My exBiL's stuff, BTW
came home and ate an ice cream bar. I think dinner will be very very soon. And will be guac and chips.
Egad, your eating habits rival my daughters, Jesse.
::wags finger::
Don't make me come over there and make you dinner. You need to eat real food, young lady.
Hmmph. No lunch break (although free food)==earlier migraine.
You too! And you're close enough that I can make good on my threat.
Have you looked specifically for throw pillows at Crate and Barrell, Tom?
They seem to have a LOT, and some of them are on sale right now.
Also, Pier one:
[link] (I kind of like the bronze ones)
Don't make me come over there and make you dinner. You need to eat real food, young lady.
I'm getting all the food groups! Avocado is the perfect food! Anyway, look how well your daughter is doing.
you're close enough that I can make good on my threat.
I am in Simi, you know.
Plus, I ate well. One and a half roast beef sandwiches. Well, and two cans of coke, a mini-brownie and a mini-lemon square. But it's the lack of a nap that's killing me. The pattern on the carpet is trying to attack me.
OH! I was in a meeting today where someone seriously said that companies don't market directly to kids, and especially not poor kids. WTFF? Thank god I have an awesome minion (that's not the right word, even though she does technically report to me), because I had to call her IMMEDIATELY after to scream.
that companies don't market directly to kids, and especially not poor kids.
Why was there not a deafening FOOOM as the heads of everyone within earshot exploded?
-t, similar, but my pillow was black and white. And it screamed.
I had it in my office and once in a while someone would lean back against it and hear a muffled scream from behind them. One person, knowing this, would wiggle around to try to make it scream ... usually without success.
Why was there not a deafening FOOOM as the heads of everyone within earshot exploded?
I DON'T KNOW! I was like, Bwuh?? But quietly, as not only was I the New Kid, I was the most junior person organizationally.
companies don't market directly to kids, and especially not poor kids.
Maybe you missed a word? Like, [Acid Reflux Treatment] companies don't market directly to kids, or [Livestock Transport] companies don't market directly to kids.
Because otherwise that's some crazy shit, yo.