Wow, Sophia, I'm impressed! But, um, don't you already have like 2.5 FTE worth of jobs?
Yeah. I am actually seriously thinking about quitting the theatre and taking a retail job for spending money. The tax is so bad on the theatre money, paid as extra compensation, that each time I am paid $750 I only bring home $300. And the theatre is driving me craxy. I am probably giving it another year just to see if things can improve, plus I need to deconnect myself (I have a lot of sewing equipment and costumes from my personal collection there)
OK, I understand having changeable sets, but that is a lot of storage space and also $$ in my head.
I absolutely will not buy anything like that now, when I am not working and getting a discount. When I was working at Penny's I usually spent about $50- $100 a week there, but I was bringing home LOTS of stuff, usually for really deep clearance. Since I worked there for a couple of years, I knew when things were going to go down majorly-- there are a about 4 times a year when they just mark everything $1.77 - $4.77, plus I had a discount. And I am talking items that had a pricetag of over $100, marked to $4.77. A lot of those things would be things that we didn't carry in our store, but were returned. We had no place to put them, so they got the clearance mark.
Sophia, I think getting away from the theater sounds like a good idea.
WOW! what a great discount.
Yeah, that sounds like a good call, Sophia. Those people are crazy.
I agree with them on your decision, Sophia.
Hmmph. No lunch break (although free food)==earlier migraine.
cute throw pillows with various artworks and historical figures, etc. that did various things when you poked them or wound them up. I do not know the name of the line, but I recall like the Freud and Starry Night ones.
I think you mean these: [link] Scream is my favorite
My exBiL's stuff, BTW
came home and ate an ice cream bar. I think dinner will be very very soon. And will be guac and chips.
Egad, your eating habits rival my daughters, Jesse.
::wags finger::
Don't make me come over there and make you dinner. You need to eat real food, young lady.
Hmmph. No lunch break (although free food)==earlier migraine.
You too! And you're close enough that I can make good on my threat.
Have you looked specifically for throw pillows at Crate and Barrell, Tom?
They seem to have a LOT, and some of them are on sale right now.
Also, Pier one:
[link] (I kind of like the bronze ones)
Don't make me come over there and make you dinner. You need to eat real food, young lady.
I'm getting all the food groups! Avocado is the perfect food! Anyway, look how well your daughter is doing.
you're close enough that I can make good on my threat.
I am in Simi, you know.
Plus, I ate well. One and a half roast beef sandwiches. Well, and two cans of coke, a mini-brownie and a mini-lemon square. But it's the lack of a nap that's killing me. The pattern on the carpet is trying to attack me.