Weekend plans: indoors, preferably lying down and sleeping. Maybe some World Cup.
Am I Lame Query: It's 89, but 60% humidity and feels like 98, according to weather.com. I am supposed to pick up Casper and take her home after work/school this afternoon, which involves a bus ride, a 5-minute walk, collecting her, a 5 minute walk, an outdoor wait for the bus (can be as much as 15 minutes), a bus ride, and a 10-minute walk. I am 8 months pregnant and my pubic symphysis is killing me. Am I really lame to call and ask mr. flea to come back from Raleigh (30 minute drive) early so he can pick us up instead?
Weekend plans - drive to Minneapolis. Drive back.
flea, I am neither pregnant nor hauling a toddler, and it's hot enough today that I'd be calling for a ride.
I don't know about lameness, but I'd question your sanity if you didn't call for a ride.
Unless you can
have the baby first
I think an eight-month pregnant lady can prevail upon her husband to give her a ride.
Weekend plans - rent car tomorrow and drive to a 2pm wedding, for my niece, in Worcester. Leave somewhere between 4-5 and drive to Canandigua Lake in upstate NY for a Sunday 11 am wedding, for my best friend from college. Kick back until Tuesday, drive to Northampton and see another friend who moved away 3 years ago, then to Sudbury to pick up an AC unit I'm getting off some friends, and then to Salem to do some shopping, while I have the car, drop everything at home, then drop the car, and then walk home. Finally, collapse from exhaustion.
You are going to be about 45 minutes from me, Frankenbuddha!
Canadaigua Lake is beautiful for a wedding-- are they doing it in the big hotel there?
Heh. I called mr. flea's work and Ozge said he had already gone home. So he's picking us up. I have a good husband.
Happy Birthday, Tep!
I'm cleaning, doing laundry, packing, figuring out how to get 6 weeks worth of stuff (including drafting and teaching supplies) and my two cats into the car, and heading to MI.
What day are you leaving, Aurelia? Good luck with the cat thing.