I used to, long time ago, disappear with the odd ream of paper. But it's been more than yonks since I did that. Some of my pens at home are work pens, and some of my pens at work are home pens. It's averaging out, I'm sure.
Paper clips, not unless they come home on a document. Post its, not so much either. I like office supplies stores too much, really.
I frequently take home scratch paper from work for my home printing use, but since it's paper that would otherwise just get thrown away/recycled, I pretend it doesn't count.
You're no fun at all.
Your kitties are about 100x bigger than my imaginary lemur! Little lemur would be nothin' but a nibble to them!
That reminds me. I'd been meaning to make a Levenger run to get a new folio--the vendor-supplied folio and the krav-supplied folio are lame.
::checks Levenger::
Okay, maybe I'll stay with the freebies a little longer.
Timelies all!
Happy Anniversary to Fred Pete & Hubs and to amych and her DH!
Am very tired. Last couple of nights I've had a bit of trouble falling asleep. My brain just won't shut down(or up). That, plus waking up a couple of random times has left me with deep dark circles under my eyes. Sigh...
HGTV show Freestyle? Apparently, not so free afterall.
You know, the first time I watched that show, I said out loud, "If THAT guy had THOSE votive candles randomly in his house already, I'd be shocked." OK. Freestyle? Dead to me.
Was the Freestyle conceit (didn't read link, am lazy) that it was all done with stuff found around the house already?