happy day to both our anniversary couples.
and I am glad we bought when we didi - despite the slowdown in houseing sales - prices are continueing to sky rocket around here. I have no idea who could begin to pay for my house , even if I think the latest estimate is overblown.
This is why I'm glad I live in an unglamorous, but still convenient, part of Queens. Soooo much cheaper.
Man, hang onto that lease like grim death. I had to give up my 2 bed room rent stab. in Astoria seven or eight years ago when the neighborhood was still like that. Now its close to impossible too.
So ... since I really think the place is going to turn into a money pit in the next few years, I'm not buying. I mean, if I was paying $300K+ for a one-bedroom condo, I'd expect to have a lot more functionality addressed and less of the superficial stuff. And I think when people move in and start plugging in their appliances and find that the circuit breakers get tripped easily (did I mention that some of the apartments' circuits are connected to something outside the apartments?), and they can't rely on the sinks/tub draining quickly, and the sheetrock starts cracking from the foundation settling some more, there's going to be a lot of screaming. And paying.
Sounds a bit like mine except they're going to continue to rent. Its going to be just a new level of slum-lording when they're done... they'll always be able to rent the place to someone after people give up in a year and move because things break stupidly.
When I bought my house, I was mentally kicking myself because if I'd just bought a couple years earlier before the market zoomed so much I could have paid half what I did. But then the market continued to rise in price, and now people tell me I'm so smart to be have able to buy when I did. Weird how that works.
have you gotten to the season finale yet? there's some serious pretty there.
Oh my, yes. Shirtless pretty, IIRC.
(I saw it when it first aired)
I went back to sleep for three hours, and now feel well enough to go to work.
I will vouch for having seen S, live and in person. Although, have I seen him since he and amych got married? Maybe not. Maybe they mated and she killed and devoured him...
In yesterday's food convo news, I am now determined to go here [link] at soonest possibility. If any NCistas are interested, we could make a parea out of it (mezes are so much funner in groups).
"I love ya baby, but ya gotta understand - it's the monoamine oxidase A in me!"
Yeah, I have this:
Yeah, me too. Except when it comes to cars.
I'm just hoping this becomes a medically recognized disorder, so that I can get my doctor to write me a prescription for a Treo 700p.