I will vouch for having seen S, live and in person. Although, have I seen him since he and amych got married? Maybe not. Maybe they mated and she killed and devoured him...
In yesterday's food convo news, I am now determined to go here [link] at soonest possibility. If any NCistas are interested, we could make a parea out of it (mezes are so much funner in groups).
"I love ya baby, but ya gotta understand - it's the monoamine oxidase A in me!"
Yeah, I have this:
Yeah, me too. Except when it comes to cars.
I'm just hoping this becomes a medically recognized disorder, so that I can get my doctor to write me a prescription for a Treo 700p.
Maybe I can volunteer for a research study, where they give me all sorts of fancy new toys and then... study me.
CRAP! I just saw this headline and story:
Ashcroft arrested at youth club
and so hoped they meant John Ashcroft. Alas, it is not to be.
If any NCistas are interested, we could make a parea out of it (mezes are so much funner in groups).
Usually I'd be all kindsa interested, but things will be fraught with out-of-town family stuff for me soon. Still, it looks very yummy. I love Greek food.
Megan, you heartless tease!
lunch break - please to entertain me.