Mister Kitty is home and we're upping his insulin a unit. He's doing quite well.
Oh and my ac is working. Original unit. Huh
Yay, for now
Ozzie spent the day at the vet too. He was a total doll for them, and no one could understand why I called him rage boy, until it was time to put him back in the crate, then they began to understand. Now he is locked in the spare bedroom, finally, after I spent 10 minutes figuring out how to open his crate without getting scratched to hell.
I love sara as random pick-up aunt. LOVE.
I am already up past my bed time, but I want to wait for the A/C to cool down my bedroom before I go in there. Ah well.
I was gonna do that!
I half-expected it to be a xpost.
I think I officially have a cold. I wonder if I can stay home on Friday. Blergh.
I love sara as random pick-up aunt. LOVE.
Me, too. In fact I covet sara as random pick-up aunt, and wish she were local to me.
I hope you feel better sara, and that the air conditioner surprises you in a nice way.
Ben's team got eliminated from the play-offs, tonight. They made it all the way to the ALCS, though. It was hard on them. They played a great game. The score was 0-0 through the first 4.5 innings (there are only six innings at their level). The other guys just played a little bit tighter, and had better luck at bat.
We'll get 'em next year.
I love sara as random pick-up aunt.
I like the idea too. (and thanks for the compliments! I do wish there were more friends's kids nearby and convenient.) Especially with this kid. She just sort of shines. Her dad seems nice from her stories, a beloved father, though he's of a sort of loud and large teasing personality that I've never been completely comfortable with. So I have to balance that. ( I mean, he offered me fish, several times. And then, since I read so much, to lend him a book. Dude.)
I think I might manage one post a day...
Herah, you have the cute kids. How did you answer?
If anybody still cares... It's not a real woman; one woman represents wisdom and the other is foolishness; foolishness may seem sweet as honey, but if you follow, you'll get in trouble. Faithful to the text without having to define
immoral woman.
Then I offered him his reading light if he would let me pick the passage, but by the time I'd found Noah's Ark he had found another book.
Today's email exchange with QA:
me: I've turned on verbose logging on your server. Please reproduce the problem again so I can capture a log.
QA: What is this verbose logging? Is it some special username/password?
Herah, wait. The TWINS are SIX?!?!?!?!??! Also, nice save on the dirty bits of the Bible.
I don't think that was dirty bits (well, not the good ones), so much. It read like
to me. Whatever. Herah's explanation was a keeper.
Of a sort of loud and large teasing personality that I've never been completely comfortable with
::Thinks back on meeting Sarameg
I don't think that was dirty bits (well, not the good ones), so much. It read like Proverbs to me. Whatever. Herah's explanation was a keeper.
OK, only "dirty" for a six year old.