I think I might manage one post a day...
Herah, you have the cute kids. How did you answer?
If anybody still cares... It's not a real woman; one woman represents wisdom and the other is foolishness; foolishness may seem sweet as honey, but if you follow, you'll get in trouble. Faithful to the text without having to define
immoral woman.
Then I offered him his reading light if he would let me pick the passage, but by the time I'd found Noah's Ark he had found another book.
Today's email exchange with QA:
me: I've turned on verbose logging on your server. Please reproduce the problem again so I can capture a log.
QA: What is this verbose logging? Is it some special username/password?
Herah, wait. The TWINS are SIX?!?!?!?!??! Also, nice save on the dirty bits of the Bible.
I don't think that was dirty bits (well, not the good ones), so much. It read like
to me. Whatever. Herah's explanation was a keeper.
Of a sort of loud and large teasing personality that I've never been completely comfortable with
::Thinks back on meeting Sarameg
I don't think that was dirty bits (well, not the good ones), so much. It read like Proverbs to me. Whatever. Herah's explanation was a keeper.
OK, only "dirty" for a six year old.
What origin would we guess the name "Gad Berdugo" to be? And what might Gad be short for?
(Trying to research someone my bro has an MBA interview with tomorrow. Not finding much so I'm trying to figure out ways to broaden the search.)
What does that mean, missy? If you are worried, y'all never pinged that. I've lived across from this family for a while. He's LOUD, railroading loud.
I actually think of myself as rather loud and teasing. Okay, maybe you can't hear me across the street....
I've never thought of you as being all that loud either, Robin.
I can't quite describe the difference. I never felt the urge to tone you (or anyone else that week) down. I felt quite well emeshed. This is just... ok, this is like a stereotypical construction site, without the off color stuff. Or my brother's inlaws. It just pings me. I think it involves a certain lack of awareness, or lack of concern (eta: ok, that sounds really judgemental, and I'm trying not to read that into it. I am very private and pretty reserved. And there are people who are not and who cannot conceive of that, and to them, my world is really uptight. I'd fit as poorly in their circle as they would mine. Except I will be pissy about the inlaws,) as to how the other person is reacting, of their really tight boundaries.
TV rec: Independent Lens on PBS- Lion in the House. Follows several families and the medical teams through cancer diagnoses. First part was on MPT tonight, second tomorrow.
I think I should go to bed in my cool, cool apartment now.