Was it here (generally speaking) that the hierarchy of intimacy of modes of communication was discussed? Something like text messaging being most intimate...but I can't remember the other modes that were on the list. I seem to recall it totalling three...but were the other two e-mail and instant messaging, or e-mail and phone?
It was here-ish. I seem to recall both e-mail and phone being included. I'm wondering if text messaging and instant messaging were conflated.
I'm wondering if text messaging and instant messaging were conflated.
I think no, because I remember text messaging being in your pants. So to speak.
Were you the metaphorizer, Jesse? Did it happen during the conversation about Allyson receiving the semi-offensive e-mail ('are you still childless') or was the prompt related to someone's job? I thought I knew where to find it, but I was mixing it up with ita and Gar's conversation on
Us vs. Them,
and my PC only lets me threadsuck about 750 posts at a time.
Fox has been promoing their fall shows during the House repeats, and they look good! At least, they look like they have good casts. This Justice has SpyDaddy and Kareem Said!
It's nice that they're paying me and all, but I am SO FREAKING BORED.
I need a couple of these days. Not lots, but a couple.
I hear that bunnies aren't as cuddly as cats!
If you get them when they're very wee, handle them a lot, and make anyone who happens to stop by handle them too
I have a pretty big sample, since I used to raise rabbits and my cousin has had between 200-300 at any given time for the last 25 years or so. If you get one young and handle it, bunnies are usually quite cuddly. I've even known people who sleep with their bunnies. You do have to be careful about bunny-proofing. As I think JZ mentioned earlier, they will chew anything and everything, so you need to be especially careful with cords. They are very clean. Friends with housebunnies generally provided a cage where they could get away from it all, but left the door to the cage open. They can be litter trained or paper trained; this is actually easier for bunnies than dogs, although probably similar to cats. The one cuddle issue is that they can't usually jump up into your lap or onto the couch; they must be lifted.
Were you the metaphorizer, Jesse?
I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure it was well before Allyson's annoying email. It was a while ago.
ION, I just got a 30-day-late notice from my undergrad student loan. Dude! I don't get any grace period?? I just graduated 30 days ago! I call bullshit.
Fun with Wikipedia -- list of fictional expletives from TV, film, radio, books, and movies.
They should have covered that in your exit interview, Jesse. i think you can get a 6-month deferment almost automatically, but you do have to ask.
Or I could be totally wrong.
Chinchillas are awesome! And low maintenance. Except for the hay.
A woman I work with runs a bunny rescue. The little descriptions she gives them are cute (well, a couple are heartbreaking, but most are cute). She usually gets the antisocial ones to become more comfortable with getting handled.
Oh, so in random news, over the weekend I was reading some old issues of Spy because, well, why not? In one, the name looked familiar, and it took me a few minutes to realize that (I assume) it was JZ. Neat!
They should have covered that in your exit interview, Jesse. i think you can get a 6-month deferment almost automatically, but you do have to ask.
My exit interview was jacktarded. Edit: And any information in it was about my new loans, not my old ones. I'm fine paying the bill, I just wasn't expecting one!
Note to self: Consolidate loans ASAP.