Were you the metaphorizer, Jesse?
I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure it was well before Allyson's annoying email. It was a while ago.
ION, I just got a 30-day-late notice from my undergrad student loan. Dude! I don't get any grace period?? I just graduated 30 days ago! I call bullshit.
Fun with Wikipedia -- list of fictional expletives from TV, film, radio, books, and movies.
They should have covered that in your exit interview, Jesse. i think you can get a 6-month deferment almost automatically, but you do have to ask.
Or I could be totally wrong.
Chinchillas are awesome! And low maintenance. Except for the hay.
A woman I work with runs a bunny rescue. The little descriptions she gives them are cute (well, a couple are heartbreaking, but most are cute). She usually gets the antisocial ones to become more comfortable with getting handled.
Oh, so in random news, over the weekend I was reading some old issues of Spy because, well, why not? In one, the name looked familiar, and it took me a few minutes to realize that (I assume) it was JZ. Neat!
They should have covered that in your exit interview, Jesse. i think you can get a 6-month deferment almost automatically, but you do have to ask.
My exit interview was jacktarded. Edit: And any information in it was about my new loans, not my old ones. I'm fine paying the bill, I just wasn't expecting one!
Note to self: Consolidate loans ASAP.
DawnK, you live on a BOAT? Dude. How is that?
One of my coworkers' friends got a boy bunny. Then she thought it had some kind of crazy anxiety issue, it tore a lot of fur out. Then in the morning, she was like "OMG, the bunny's intestines are all over the cage!" and then realized bunny was not a boy. And bunny had just had babies.
Man, that would be startling!
Oh, old loans, right. Yeah, I think I remember having to pay right away before the consolidation came through.
That's a crazy story, meara.
OMG! I do not want baby bunnies! Msbelle, I don't know if we have a craiglist, but that is a good idea. I have been looking in the paper for "free to good home" kitties.