Is there a New Yorkista around? Where would I go to buy some plywood blocks to prop up my a/c on the sill? I've completely given up on my fancy Home Depot a/c support after a MONTH of having it and trying to install it.
Do you have one of those dusty New York hardware stores in your neighborhood? They tend to carry all sorts of things normal hardware stores don't because New Yorkers all need the same weird things.
t ankle ~ma to Dana
ankle ma~~~
My sister is getting PT for her ankles. they are just way too prone to twisting, so the Doctor decided to strenghten everything around them , so even if she does twist them , other parts of her leg can help compinsate.
My mom posted in my LJ. My worlds collided, and I'm weirdly grateful no one posted anything particularly blue.
She also sent me the following e: Allyson, you truly are a beautiful, smart, funny, wonderful young woman. I am proud and lucky to be your mom.
I think she may be slightly biased, but it was the cutest thing, evar.
Aw, Allyson's mom is the coolest. I bet she gets that from Allyson.
I had fun today, even though I was forced to watch "America Got Talent" at work-- and the name is a giant misnomer, and I'm pretty sure Hasselhoff was drunk, and I know for a fact that he made no sense. Dance class was fun. I feel like it's possible I might someday be able to do the samba properly. Which is very gratifying, since the samba is the weirdest, bounciest dance ever.
My worlds collided
Well, at least if they have to collide, it's very nice of those worlds to do it with such a nice thing to say about you.
t Waves at Alibelle
Hi, Nilly!
P.S. Everyone has pretty pictures.
My mom posted in my LJ.
I saw that! It was super cute. But, you know, all of your friends agree with her.
Hey Alibelle!
Gary and Dancer!Nicole are expecting baby #2.
Also, I now own a Phil Bobblehead.
And Emmett's team won their little league baseball championship.
That's it - I'm out of news.