I am wearing a new dress and I love it. I painted my toenails which makes me smile. AND I have iced decaf. If that were not enough, IT IS FRIDAY!!!
That's all good.
Wonder what that local call is on your work number and call to check and have it be the pet sitters who you thought would be able to fit you for the 4th of July week saying they won't be able to after all.
That sucks.
So not going there.
Im gettting new floors put in on Monday, so I'm boarding my cats for the day. Unfortunately the social one has to be put in isolation b/c her booster is in it's third year of life and the scaredy cat gets put in the general population.
put in the general population.
This makes me think of your cats in Prison Break.
So, in weird things that happen to Sophia news...
This morning, running late, I get into my car. It smells a little fermenty. I look around. i look in my rearview mirror.
There is a man in my car. A young man in a baseball cap and college t-shirt.
I think I am going to die.
We both sit there frozen.
He says "Where am I?"
I say "In my car, which, frankly is rather frightening"
He says "Where is your car?"
I tell him. Then I tell him I am going to get out of my car.
I get out.
He gets out.
He looks very confused.
He says "Where is MY car?"
I say "I don't know."
It turns out he was at a party in a neighboring college student apartment and thought he was in HIS car "sleeping it off".
This took about 50 years from my life.
OMG, Sophia!
Although, I have to say, the "it smells a little fermenty" remark maed me giggle.
Oh, Sophia! Scary! But going to make a funny story eventually.
Who's Walter again?
That would be my dog. Who apparently woke up under the bed in the middle of the night and was all perturbed to find a pillow had fallen onto the floor and was in his way to get out, so he made an emergency escape out the other side and whimpered until we (a) let him out into the backyard (b) gave him fresh food and water (c) tried to sleep through the whining and (d) finally figured out the pillow thing. I am made of gronk.
Holy crap, Sophia! I'm glad it came out OK.
I'm about ready for lunch already, which is not a good thing. And no free food today! Bah.
The actual funniest thing about it is that he practically said "Dude, where's my car?"
Also, everyone at work thinks that it is weird that I didn't scream and yell at him to get out of my car.
This took about 50 years from my life.
I, like your coworkers, am just impressed that it didn't take 50 year off
life, in blood and broken bones.
It's the kind of thing that, you have to laugh about it, because the unpleasant implications don't bear thinking about.
Freaky, Sophia. Though I don't see where screaming would have helped matters.
Oh, I remember Walter, with the under the bed stuff!
Do you not lock your car, or did his car key open your door (which is very scary indeed!)?
Sophia, I swear your life is like a novel. A craxxy novel full of craxxy people.