Played with Kaylee. Sun came out, and I walked on my feet and heard with my ears. I ate the bits, the bits stayed down, and I work. I function like I'm a girl. I hate it because I know it'll go away. The sun goes dark and chaos has come again. Bits. Fluids. What am I?!

River ,'War Stories'

F2F 4: Too Much Candy, Never Enough Mojitos.  

Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.

Pete, Husband of Jilli - May 15, 2006 9:36:55 am PDT #14 of 10002
"I've got a gun! I've got a mother-flippin' gun!" - Moss, The IT Crowd

From the last thread (okay, the overflow in Bureaucracy, but who's counting?) -

a friend has treasured copies of “Now we Are Six” and “House at Pooh Corner”

Not Pete, but I think it would be nice to have extra copies available.

See, it's the word 'treasured' that's got me worried. If they're some edition with emotional resonance for the person, I'd say don't bring them. We should stick to reading copies which people can hold onto without worrying about the binding, or something.

DavidS - May 15, 2006 9:46:04 am PDT #15 of 10002
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

(still sad I won't be there)

Me too. But psyched I'll see you and your superpretty FAQ!Wife in the fall.

Huh. I'll have a baby by then.

deborah grabien - May 15, 2006 9:47:44 am PDT #16 of 10002
It really doesn't matter. It's just an opinion. Don't worry about it. Not worth the hassle.

In. About to call Angelino's for the Friday night reservation and I'm hooking up with Perkins to get stuff for the suite tonight.


Steph L. - May 15, 2006 9:48:32 am PDT #17 of 10002
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I have a copy of Winnie the Pooh I can bring, if need be.

Jon B. - May 15, 2006 9:49:06 am PDT #18 of 10002
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Huh. I'll have a baby by then.


NoiseDesign - May 15, 2006 9:49:11 am PDT #19 of 10002
Our wings are not tired

Is it Thursday yet?

deborah grabien - May 15, 2006 9:49:51 am PDT #20 of 10002
It really doesn't matter. It's just an opinion. Don't worry about it. Not worth the hassle.

I'll have a baby by then.

  • You* will?

And here I thought JZ was doing the actual work.

Pix - May 15, 2006 9:50:13 am PDT #21 of 10002
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Is it Thursday yet?

Gods I hope not. Do you know what I have to *do* before Thursday? And you too!

beth b - May 15, 2006 9:51:39 am PDT #22 of 10002
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

Is there a summary of plans? I am 3000+ messages behind. Plus, if people want help setting up on Thursday ( or need more stuff for the suite) please email me.

DavidS - May 15, 2006 9:53:46 am PDT #23 of 10002
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

And here I thought JZ was doing the actual work.

She doesn't think of it as work. She thinks of it as a symphony of burps and naps.

Besides, I didn't say I was producing it. I just said I would have it.