Wow - got more than 4 hours sleep last night. I feel like a new woman! I will be taking Deena to the airport in a little sad making already.
Thank you all for having the F2F here this year. I loved every minute of it. At least those I remember.
Frosty Flakes
Ok - heading out for the airport run now. If anyone sees Nicole over at the hotel, have her give me a buzz, pretty please.
I slept like the dead for about 7 hours, which was great. Soon I will be meeting Jess, Tom, and Theodosia at Bart to drop off Jess's suitcase and then head to the Aquarium.
It looks like we may get a good day for the drive too. Yay.
Did AmyLiz return home, yet?
so Tired. but I believe I am going back up to the city around 11 to make sure EpicTangent gets to the pirate store...
- gronk* Epic is awake and in search of OJ. She is telling me about her evening.
The DH and I collapsed last night about 10 p.m. -- the Bay to Breakers killed us dead.
Whoo. Tired. For the record, it's a very good idea that Vortex and I are on opposite coasts. Our livers wouldn't be able to take it if we could see each other more often.
It was bloody wonderful to be able to meet so many loverly people. My family, my people, the ones who keep me sane. Thank you.
Just as I hit home from dropping off Deena, I heard from Nicole - she is awake and ready for me to head back to SF to go wander. Must. resist. bed.
AmyLiz is still in SF today, Cindy. Leaving tomorrow.
Oh, did the baseball game yesterday get rained out? It was raining pretty consistently at the Oakland Airport.
(By coincidence, I ended up on the same BART train to Oakland as the baseballers....)