Whoo. Tired. For the record, it's a very good idea that Vortex and I are on opposite coasts. Our livers wouldn't be able to take it if we could see each other more often.
It was bloody wonderful to be able to meet so many loverly people. My family, my people, the ones who keep me sane. Thank you.
Just as I hit home from dropping off Deena, I heard from Nicole - she is awake and ready for me to head back to SF to go wander. Must. resist. bed.
AmyLiz is still in SF today, Cindy. Leaving tomorrow.
Oh, did the baseball game yesterday get rained out? It was raining pretty consistently at the Oakland Airport.
(By coincidence, I ended up on the same BART train to Oakland as the baseballers....)
I think the As wish the game had been rained out.
Heading to the hotel to finish up at suite.
Fay, you left two CDs here.
Back later. No idea who's coming over for pasta later, but will make a big pot and people can help themselves.
Fay, you left two CDs here.
Oh, shit, those weren't the Vividcon discs, were they? She's going to be sad.
The drizzle did not stop the game. Alas, my beloved A's lost, but at least the Giants won.
That makes sense in my head. Which is currently full of cold virus.
Anyway, what I came in here to post: pictures!
AmyLiz is still in SF today, Cindy. Leaving tomorrow.
Oh, good for her. I'm glad she gets an extra day.
Anyone know what room Trudy is in? I need to get Cass's hairdryer to her.