iTunes would be great. They could get easy money from that.
I'm with Beverly in more ways than one. Not living in LA (although I visit occasionally), I should like a way to exchange ice cream bribery and receive driver-y bribery from a distance. Oh pretty please.
I'm pretty sure the only way anyone would be interested in my autograph is if there was a check involved. And given my lack of riches, maybe not even then.
I totally want an autographed copy of your script. So there. No checks (although cash, while not necessary, is always appreciated).
What about those of us who are geographically challenged? We need ice cream and Drive, too!
I just had a brownie hot fudge sundae. I would rather have Kristen's episode of
and a glass of water.
I wanted to see Kristen's episode too.
I also still want The Inside CDs. Maybe eventually someone can create a DVD of "The Collected Unpublished Tim Minear Shows."
If we got a copy of The Kristen's episode in the Bay Area, I'm pretty sure we could arrange a viewing party.
It would be very celebratory! There would be cocktails!
I can't ship you ice cream, sweetie.
I can. But only in orders of 12 pints. Guess that would be for the party.
I imagine we could get a group willing to go in on the Graeters as long as DVDs traveled to them that need 'em afterwards.
I've never had Graeter's, but that black raspberry chip sure looks nummy.
Oh heavens, yes, VISA at the ready.
I've mailed the free pint coupons in the past, but Ben & Jerry's now has other options. [link]
I just picked up my copy of Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby. I was reading "Random Acts of Paypal" to TCG on the way home, and I am already regretting not having bought a second copy to give to my mother and stepfather. I'll probably correct that sometime this week.
Fox managed to add insult to injury - they'd scheduled two episodes of Drive on the 4th (although I knew from reading here that they most likely wouldn't actually be shown), but I took a look to see if maybe, maybe, they showed them. Nope. Instead, they had an Adam Sandler movie on. bleah