TV's hit Drive for me via finger-puppet theater clips on YouTube
Monique, you forgot to add the Hot Wheels. Finger puppets and hot wheels.
Fraternal twins are in separate sacs, but aren't identical twins in the same one?
Not necessarily. Many monozygotic twins are not monoamniotic. Though all monoamniotic are monozygotic. You can have monozygotic twins in separate amniotic sacs with one placenta. Or you can have monozygotic twins with the exact same set up as fraternal twins.
Tom, I meant to say something about Dean and Logan but then I got all confused. What if they are boys? I could totally name them Dean and Logan. Even though I don't watch SPN. But that would be funny. Even funnier if they were girls!
My brain is a weird organ.
All your twins are belong to Rick.
The other day when the babies were in the bath together, Franny tried to tickle Isaac's tushie. So it's entirely possible that I've lost all ability to detect inappropriate sibling snugglage.
I met a woman who was having monoamniotic twins. Evidently it's not that common. She was on hospital bedrest for the last 6 weeks. Poor woman! We were in birthing class together, and all of us came to visit her after our babies were born. She was sweet.
If Fox doesn't stream "Drive," we'll be setting up a tape tree for me, right? Because I am loved? Even if I'm not cute enough to be sponsored?
Yes, it's all about me. Why won't these multimillion-dollar organizations realize that?
They don’t know you like we do.
Tim's thread is all full of babies. So I keep thinking of
It's Alive!
I think Allyson should leave work early and go straight home. Yup.
Oh man. I wish. I also wish for a spa day and for my cable and internet to be magically fixed. If wishes are being granted today, that is.
Do you have the going-straight-home part, at least?
Because you should.
I am going straight home. I may stop at Coffee Bean after I park my car. But isnt that pretty much straight home?
Yeah, I'll allow that.
I think Ruby misses you, is all.
She totally does. She's been stuck in the house all day, with no Animal Planet.
For a minute there I thought maybe U R in my house. Fixin my cable.