If Fox doesn't stream "Drive," we'll be setting up a tape tree for me, right? Because I am loved? Even if I'm not cute enough to be sponsored?
Yes, it's all about me. Why won't these multimillion-dollar organizations realize that?
They don’t know you like we do.
Tim's thread is all full of babies. So I keep thinking of
It's Alive!
I think Allyson should leave work early and go straight home. Yup.
Oh man. I wish. I also wish for a spa day and for my cable and internet to be magically fixed. If wishes are being granted today, that is.
Do you have the going-straight-home part, at least?
Because you should.
I am going straight home. I may stop at Coffee Bean after I park my car. But isnt that pretty much straight home?
Yeah, I'll allow that.
I think Ruby misses you, is all.
She totally does. She's been stuck in the house all day, with no Animal Planet.
For a minute there I thought maybe U R in my house. Fixin my cable.
edited to not be so vague and creepy mysterious
They don’t know you like we do.
Mebbe you could write them a note for me? "Dear cable company and Fox affiliate: Stop being buttheads. Monique has sites she'll need to update."
My dad and my brother are both getting satellite, though, in response. There's an offer on the table to funnel copies of 24 and TV's hit Drive to me in exchange for Dirt and Meerkat Manor.
Yeah, surprised me, too.
I met a woman who was having monoamniotic twins.
I initially read this as monochromatic twins. Apparently, I only pay attention to what I read for work, when I'm copy editing.
Monique, you forgot to add the Hot Wheels. Finger puppets and hot wheels.
I was actually trying to figure out how to accurately represent the driving in TV's hit Drive! Excellent solution!
Aw. I'll write a set report for you.
And now I wanna make a hotwheel set of all the cars!