We have a "It takes a village.." banner in the office at school. Each time I see it I think, "Yep the entire school raises one kid. The other 2699 of you are screwed."
I like this. “It takes a village” is the Rorschach card of child development theories—it’s so vague that it can be put to use for any purpose and it attracts a lot of, uh, creative thinkers.
A couple of years ago I published a paper (about twins!) filled with tedious equations and the sort of dubious conclusions that you squeeze out of tedious equations. We tried to subdivide effects on kid’s behavior from individual environments, family environments, and school and community environments. The community proved to be unexpectedly strong, so, to be cute, we called the paper ‘It does take a village.’ The paper itself has been justifiably ignored by scholars, but the title has taken on a life of its own, attracting crackpots who are certain that the paper would confirm their very innovative views of human nature, if only they didn’t have to work their way through the tedious equations. One very dedicated person had it worked out all the way to "It takes a galaxy."
Well, actually, it is about you, as you're the consumer they supply. The companies should mediate, and get their shit together. I used to work for the UK cable company Telewest, and they did a similar thing with MTV a while ago. MTV started airing adverts about how bad Telewest are, so Telewest took them off the air because of those adverts. It was all about profit margins.
A couple of years ago I published a paper (about twins!) filled with tedious equations and the sort of dubious conclusions that you squeeze out of tedious equations.
The father of the cute little baby twins in my life is a bio-statictician math dude and I bet he'd LOVE to read that!
If there is no online streaming, I think someone should re-enact TV's hit Drive for me via finger-puppet theater clips on YouTube. You know, so no one's blatantly violating copyright by posting the clips from the show. Because that would be wrong.
I've been known to recap things for shrift via interpretive dance.
Is it like the Saving Private Ryan interpretive Oscar dance?
I totally think that should be a DVD extra. Nathan, Kevin Alejandro and Co. re-enact the pilot to some sort of jazz/rock medley. Power chords should emphasize the dramatic, actiony parts.
Are there veils?
There are lot of spit-takes. Makes the veils get all soggy.
If Fox doesn't stream "Drive," we'll be setting up a tape tree for me, right? Because I am loved? Even if I'm not cute enough to be sponsored?
You are especially cute. You're just tall, which pushes cute a bit far back in the Moniquely Adjective line.
The father of the cute little baby twins in my life is a bio-statictician math dude and I bet he'd LOVE to read that!
Speaking of...I sure could take looking at those fantabulous babies, today. I'll be watching the Bitches thread for a link, and tapping my foot.