But aren't they in two separate little water balloons? So they can reach out to sock each other in the mouth, but never quite touch.
I think so yes. Thus alleviating the twincest fear.
Sort of like that movie Ladyhawke with Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfieffer, but neither of them will spontaneously turn into a wolf.
That we know of. So many things to worry about!
With twins, aren't they delivered by extraction from the ventral area?
thanks bon bon! you're freaking me out now. Not ventral though, I don't think. Jesus.
Now I want a baby, too.
The disposable organ doesn't freak you out? Or the unprotected brain? Or the fact that they urinate the amniotic fluid they swallow but in a closed system?
And THIS is why I end up waking up at 4:00 AM, with my brain racing.
15 is like 14 too many. And, scarily enough, from that link the facts are the least freaky thing on the site. The gallery of 4D and 3D scans are seriously weird.
I just need to point out that siblings MUCH LESS FETAL SIBLINGS can kiss each other perfectly nicely without it being twincest. I mean, they're not like making out, right?
I just need to point out that siblings MUCH LESS FETAL SIBLINGS can kiss each other perfectly nicely without it being twincest. I mean, they're not like making out, right?
Aren't you an only child?
I originally read this as FERAL. And pictured Kat and Lori's kids in a spay and release program.
ACK! Fetal Siblings! ACK!
But yeah. I know, Jesse. I'm just teasing.
Okay, I've recovered from my driving woe (on my way to yoga this AM, my tire went flat. I pulled over at the 5-134 interchange and the nice little metro tow truck angel was there before I could even call Triple A. He put on the spare but then my battery had died. It was a rough AM) I should go replace my tire.
I mean, they're not like making out, right?
See: Angelina Jolie and her brother when she won the Oscar. IJS.
Allyson, you'd totally rock as a mommy!
You're like a cult leader. I'm not drinking the breast milk Kool Aid, my friend.