Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


The Minearverse 5: Closer to the Earth, Further from the Ax  

[NAFDA] "There will be an occasional happy, so that it might be crushed under the boot of the writer." From Zorro to Angel (including Wonderfalls, The Inside and Drive), this is where Buffistas come to anoint themselves in the bloodbath.

Kristen - Jan 03, 2007 5:37:37 am PST #2710 of 10001

Now I'm trying to remember if we had, like, BOYS in our Drivers Ed classes. I think we might've and I just blocked it out.

Kat - Jan 03, 2007 5:57:09 am PST #2711 of 10001
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

Guys boys had cooties and were oogey?

I'm trying to write an email to Tim. So far it looks like this:

Dear Tim,

As you probably know because Allyson would have undoubtedly told you, I'm pregnant with twins. I was hoping you would consider sponsoring one.

As a sponsor of a twin, I will dress my child in a shirt each day that says, "This child is sponsored by Tim Minear" and then on the back there would be the standard disclaimer "Any tantrums, poor behavior, questionable childrearing and the actual conception of this child in no way reflects the sponsor."

What do you think?

Polter-Cow - Jan 03, 2007 5:59:21 am PST #2712 of 10001
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Wait, Kristen, was that a real-life question for real? I totally assumed it was for Professional Research. You know, for TV's hit Drive.

That's what I thought too.

Jon B. - Jan 03, 2007 6:01:22 am PST #2713 of 10001
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

East 65th between Lex and 3rd.

Nah, that would\'ve been too far south. The schools that teamed up for my Driver\'s Ed were all north of 86th St., I think.

Kristen - Jan 03, 2007 6:28:13 am PST #2714 of 10001

Guys boys had cooties and were oogey?

I went to an all girl school. A boy in the house was, like, NEWS.

Pix - Jan 03, 2007 6:35:09 am PST #2715 of 10001
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Kat.....are you serious? I mean about the pregnant with twins thing? Because if so I need to squee. A lot.

ChiKat - Jan 03, 2007 6:37:17 am PST #2716 of 10001
That man was going to shank me. Over an omelette. Two eggs and a slice of government cheese. Is that what my life is worth?

She is indeedy serious:

Kat "Natter 48 Contiguous States of Denial" Jan 3, 2007 12:28:27 am PST

Liese S. - Jan 03, 2007 7:08:13 am PST #2717 of 10001
"Faded like the lilac, he thought."

BOYS in our Drivers Ed classes.

There were definitely boys in my Driver's Ed class. I know, because I spent all of that semester flipping through Corvette magazines with one. And then, on the last day (I took Driver's Ed at the end of my senior year.) he called me out into the hallway and completely unexpectedly laid the biggest kiss ever on me. I never saw him again. Turned out later he did jail time for sleeping with a minor.

Pix - Jan 03, 2007 7:19:22 am PST #2718 of 10001
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie


So happy for you!

Karl - Jan 03, 2007 8:04:49 am PST #2719 of 10001
I adore all you motherfuckers so much -- PMM.

Kat, those are some lucky twins, to have a mama like you.

Congratulations, and may the rest of the pregnancy go smoothly.