Oh, I love quail! It's not the same quail in Australia that are in California, is it?
I believe not. Certainly not California quail. But, still very definitely quail-like and all. (I can't mock its failure to recognise its own reflection, monkeys don't get that either. Apes do, which is just as well, as I don't think my window would withstand getting pounded by a chimpanzee.)
My brain keeps putting the words to Don't Fear the Reaper to the tune of Don't Pay the Ferryman. Silly brain.
Don't pay the cameraman
Don't even fix a price
Don't pay the cameraman
Until he gets you to the other slide
Hey Aims, wanna come over and go swimming when you get off work?
I'd love to, but I have an assload of homework to do tonight. But thank you!
The Halloweenie is the same way. Backs off, turns her back, scoots to the other end of the womb until the nasty sound-wave-making thing goes away. The last two times a sonographer tried to get a good image of her face, she turned around and pressed herself up against the back wall of the uterus. Stubborn! Or possibly camera-shy.
She was showing her asstasticness, silly.
I'd love to, but I have an assload of homework to do tonight.
In my day, we were allowed to use satchels.
I have homework too. Someone tell me why I want to work with inner-city kids, please?
In my day, we were allowed to use satchels.
Well, now. This *ISN'T* your day, is it?
Can you calculate something for me? How many Austrailian actuaries die from smart-ass disease?
t smoochies
Can you calculate something for me? How many Austrailian actuaries die from smart-ass disease?
Smart-arse disease, OTOH...
yum, I made an awesome stir fry with my farm fresh pak choi. It tasted like a real stir fry... I used peanut oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, hoisin, and red pepper flakes to get the seasoning just right, and it was pretty awesome.
t /proud of my stir frying skilz
(because I have not previously exhibited any)
Also, I am alternately hearing cats in heat and a 10 month old wailing. No good!
Hmm. How would one describe Oakland in comparison to San Francisco, in a way that's complimentary to Oakland? I'm supposed to explain why I want to teach in Oakland specifically, and "San Francisco's too big, it scares me, and have you seen the housing prices there?" seems like not the best bet. I mean, I do want close enough to visit without the high prices and general high-stakesness of the actual city, preferably in a place that's got its own character. But does that sound too much like, "Well, I wanted a place that was near SF but cheaper, and hey, there you are!"?