The Halloweenie is the same way. Backs off, turns her back, scoots to the other end of the womb until the nasty sound-wave-making thing goes away. The last two times a sonographer tried to get a good image of her face, she turned around and pressed herself up against the back wall of the uterus. Stubborn! Or possibly camera-shy.
She was showing her asstasticness, silly.
I'd love to, but I have an assload of homework to do tonight.
In my day, we were allowed to use satchels.
I have homework too. Someone tell me why I want to work with inner-city kids, please?
In my day, we were allowed to use satchels.
Well, now. This *ISN'T* your day, is it?
Can you calculate something for me? How many Austrailian actuaries die from smart-ass disease?
t smoochies
Can you calculate something for me? How many Austrailian actuaries die from smart-ass disease?
Smart-arse disease, OTOH...
yum, I made an awesome stir fry with my farm fresh pak choi. It tasted like a real stir fry... I used peanut oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, hoisin, and red pepper flakes to get the seasoning just right, and it was pretty awesome.
t /proud of my stir frying skilz
(because I have not previously exhibited any)
Also, I am alternately hearing cats in heat and a 10 month old wailing. No good!
Hmm. How would one describe Oakland in comparison to San Francisco, in a way that's complimentary to Oakland? I'm supposed to explain why I want to teach in Oakland specifically, and "San Francisco's too big, it scares me, and have you seen the housing prices there?" seems like not the best bet. I mean, I do want close enough to visit without the high prices and general high-stakesness of the actual city, preferably in a place that's got its own character. But does that sound too much like, "Well, I wanted a place that was near SF but cheaper, and hey, there you are!"?
Oh, heck, Hec. I was kidding.
Then I went to watch "Three Stories" again, because fannish obsessions are harsh mistresses.
that's about it.