You turned down Prince? JZ, JZ, JZ...
My friend Fran has a longstanding understanding with her husband about Prince. He's a freebie; in fact, if she had a chance with Prince, S. would have to hold her coat for her, and possibly cheer.
When I was a kid on a farm, my sister and I had three treehouses. One was in a fallen down tree, but it was big, and we'd scavenged a dryer door from the dump down the road and rigged it so we had a little mumber staircase with a door at the top. And since my dad worked for the phone company, we had a zillion dead phones and we hung one in each treehouse, and pretended they were emergency superhero phones.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Goodness gracious, lad, don't take cooking lessons from
of all people.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Did you find them before or after you took a bite? Because if it's before, I can top that story...
Staying home to watch Buffy sounds lovely, beth.
The fact that there's a named storm already is freaking me out a little. And I know there's no way it's gonna affect me directly, but tell that to the dread, it doesn't care.
Vermin are no fun, and there's really no way to guarantee not having them in some form. Here's hoping they leave you alone for a while, vw. And congratulations on the loan, if I didn't say so before!
You turned down Prince? JZ, JZ, JZ...
It was
Hec's fault.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Isn't it, though? I have horrid vivid memories of one Saturday morning shortly after our parents' divorce, at our dad's bachelor apartment in Alameda (I think there was a state law in the '70s that all newly divorced dads had to move to single-people apartment complexes in Alameda), about to dig into a bowl of cereal and realizing that (whitefonted for extreme grossness)
the entire bowl was squirming because the cereal box had been infested with earwigs, who'd been lying around quietly until assaulted with milk.
Then there were the packets of hot cocoa with marshmallows at a friend's house that we realized belatedly weren't supposed to have marshmallows, but the less said about that incident, the better.
-t, is it early in the season to have a named storm?
(I can never remember when hurrican season starts -- but tornado season starts in March - more or less.)
Application ~ma, sj!
I seem to be under consideration for an underwriting position. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I'ma give a tiny yay, just in case, -t.
I just got up from a nap, went to fix myself some lunch, and found Toto's food dish (and the area around it) swarming with ants.
Blech. Ants = teh nast. Annoying little bastards.
Did you find them before or after you took a bite? Because if it's before, I can top that story...
Most definitely before. I poured the pasta into the skillet and, hey, ANTS! There goes my dinner. Bye bye, chicken breast that I was proud of cooking.