Did you find them before or after you took a bite? Because if it's before, I can top that story...
Most definitely before. I poured the pasta into the skillet and, hey, ANTS! There goes my dinner. Bye bye, chicken breast that I was proud of cooking.
sj, lots of application ~ma.
My DH and I are not in agreement about ants. He likes to politely put them outside and I prefer to visit death upon them. We horrify each other with our approaches.
I just want to say, Perkins ROCKS! She did part of my work for me last night and it was all waiting for me this morning so I could zap it off to the professor and look good.
In not so great job news, there seems to have been, yet again, behind-the-scenes action that favors the Big Boss' best friend. It is particularly annoying since I asked the Big Boss yesterday to make a phone call for me that would magically help me arrange for classroom scheduling next semester and she refused.
Heh, JZ, your cereal story is almost as bad as mine. On the plus side, ants rather than earwigs (which I find appallingly nasty critters); on the minus, among other things, the formic acid in ants
makes them taste REALLY nasty, even with a sugar coated cereal. Yes, that's how I noticed them.
to think what my reaction would have been if they had been earwigs.
-t, is it early in the season to have a named storm?
Not really. Late April/early May for hurricanes.
studiously ignorning the disturbing food talk
Hurricane season starts on June 1. This is the second earliest hurricane on record, one being a couple days earlier in like 1966.
I know about Hurricane season because I watch the Weather Channel and they've been pitching Hurrican Week for ages. I know about the earliest thing 'cause it was in the Metro this morning.
Not really early, sumi, hurricane season starts June 1. Just an affront to my carefully constructed denial. I would feel better if I knew that the levees were repaired, or if anyone I knew had finished rebuilding and none of them were still in trailers.
Or if I could get them all to come stay with me until the fall. I could put up tents in the backyard, it'd be fine.
I didn't know tornados had a season. How late does it go?
t snuggles Trudy
studiously ignorning the disturbing food talk
And, to lighten things up, it's always fun to post this link, which goes to show that you don't need foreign critters to make some truly loathesome food products: [link]
Luckily Alberto seems to be mostly rain, which we desperately need around here. Although it is causing some minor flooding in low lying areas around here.
I'm glad that Alberto was minor but I hope this has people on their toes for the rest of the season.
Nora's very smart an well-rounded in her information sources.