I would SO live in a Buffista tree house and work in the 'ffista Cafe. (I'm getting a very Gas, Food, Lodging feel from this idea.)
And I join the love of treehouseness, even when it isn't really a tree house. I live over a liquor store on the central corner of my neighborhood. Windows on three sides, plenty o foot traffic to watch and trees, trees, trees. I've long called it 'my tree house.' Something lovely about being nestled in, but afloat above, it all.
Thanks beth. mwah
Tree house. Would I have to leave it?
I just got up from a nap, went to fix myself some lunch, and found Toto's food dish (and the area around it) swarming with ants. Ugh. I sprayed and got rid of the food, but really, I'm sick of the bugs and rodents and stuff. Blech.
sick of the bugs and rodents and stuff.
Reason #34723094 that vw needs to move.
Reason #34723094 that vw needs to move.
I'm working on it. Although, I'm not convinced that moving will completely take care of that problem.
ants = worse housemates than Not!Emily
You turned down Prince? JZ, JZ, JZ...
My friend Fran has a longstanding understanding with her husband about Prince. He's a freebie; in fact, if she had a chance with Prince, S. would have to hold her coat for her, and possibly cheer.
When I was a kid on a farm, my sister and I had three treehouses. One was in a fallen down tree, but it was big, and we'd scavenged a dryer door from the dump down the road and rigged it so we had a little mumber staircase with a door at the top. And since my dad worked for the phone company, we had a zillion dead phones and we hung one in each treehouse, and pretended they were emergency superhero phones.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Goodness gracious, lad, don't take cooking lessons from
of all people.
Did I tell you guys about the time there were ants in my Pasta Roni? That was fun.
Did you find them before or after you took a bite? Because if it's before, I can top that story...