Hey, can I use your washer/dryer while I'm there?
Of course! And I got your e. Running some reports now but will answer soon.
When I was younger, summer was goof off time. We heard a lot of, "in or out, pick one" and "you and your little friends need to take the party outside" and "OUT!" Ah, summer.
Yeah, babe.
Pretty harsh when other spazzes think you are a spaz.
crip camp
Am I the only one who read this and thought, "Wow, erika was a gang-banger?"
Hec, insent to gmail.
We heard a lot of, "in or out, pick one" and "you and your little friends need to take the party outside" and "OUT!" Ah, summer.
I remember that! And lots of kickball, and waiting for the ice cream truck. And then, summer of seventh grade, all the boys had mopeds. And all the girls had moped burns on the inside of their calves from the exhaust pipe.
We heard a lot of, "in or out, pick one" and "you and your little friends need to take the party outside" and "OUT!" Ah, summer.
We definitely heard this from my mother -- sometimes if she was desperate to get us out from underfoot, it was the extended version, as in: "out! A little rain won't hurt you -- it'll just keep you cool!"
(snicker) Actually, Tom, that might explain some of my adult preoccupations. But no...
Funny you should say that because sometimes I get the opposite pause.
I still buy books instead of lip gloss.
t /Sephora virgin
Yeah...for Buffistas.
Not for the average not-average.
I'm just never gonna find that "jury of my peers"
Better not kill anyone, huh?
Seems like that should be a TAR episode or at least an After School Special.
I've read this five times, and I still can't make TAR not stand for The Amazing Race.