We heard a lot of, "in or out, pick one" and "you and your little friends need to take the party outside" and "OUT!" Ah, summer.
We definitely heard this from my mother -- sometimes if she was desperate to get us out from underfoot, it was the extended version, as in: "out! A little rain won't hurt you -- it'll just keep you cool!"
(snicker) Actually, Tom, that might explain some of my adult preoccupations. But no...
Funny you should say that because sometimes I get the opposite pause.
I still buy books instead of lip gloss.
t /Sephora virgin
Yeah...for Buffistas.
Not for the average not-average.
I'm just never gonna find that "jury of my peers"
Better not kill anyone, huh?
Seems like that should be a TAR episode or at least an After School Special.
I've read this five times, and I still can't make TAR not stand for The Amazing Race.
I would always books instead of lip gloss.
I have never bought lip gloss.
I've read this five times, and I still can't make TAR not stand for The Amazing Race.
...It doesn't?
I've read this five times, and I still can't make TAR not stand for The Amazing Race.
This American Life.
This is where we're going with AmyLiz's hair
I have never bought lip gloss.
Lip gloss goes very well with tiaras. ijs
This American Life.
Ah! So...TAL, then, surely?